Friday, November 28, 2008

Crazy Times!!

Sorry I haven't been around much guys!! Life has just been crazy and I haven't done any stitching at all in a few months. I am wanting to get back to it now, but I think the couple projects I had going will not be done in time for Christmas, YAK!!! Hope you all are doing well, and I will post again soon!!


kimstitch3 said...

Hi Connie, I missed you on here. come back,come back and stitch awhile. I just updated my blog tonight. Take care,KImberly

Connie B said...

Thanks so much!! I missed being here! Hopefully now that my overtime has slowed down and the holidays are almost done, I can stitch more!

Stitcher said...

I was wondering where you got to! Glad it's just your busy schedule that kept you away and that you are back!
