Saturday, December 13, 2008

Laptop stolen!!!

Hello all! Our house was broken into yesterday. Two laptops and a flat screen TV stolen. I am SO upset about my laptop!! It's not the laptop itself, but all the data on the hard drive. I've now lost all my pictures, music and TONS of cross stitch patterns, both freebies and pdf paid for copies of patterns. I can't replace those things! UGH! My computer was password protected, so the clowns who stole it can't use it, but I'm afraid that means they will just trash it instead of taking it to a pawn shop. BAH HUMBUG!!!

On a higher note...I met Rachael Ray yesterday! She was in NC doing a book signing for her new cookbook. I got my pic taken with her, so hopefully when I can get my hands on a copy, I will post it!



kimstitch3 said...

oh no, Connie, that is terrible. That is scary too. Bless your heart. I hope they get caugt and your get your stuff back. I hate this time of year, brings out the worst in people it seems. Take care,Kimberly

imnverted said...

So sorry for what happened. I hope at the most they are caught and at the least your laptop is found.

Mylene said...

I am so sorry of what happened Connie. I do hope they get caught.

Angela said...

How awful! I'd be devastated over both the laptop and TV. I hope they will be caught!