I'm so excited!!! Thanks to Eva for nominating me for this award! There are so many wonderful stitchers out there, it will be hard just to pick a few for my nominations!!! Stitchers are wonderful people! Ok for the rules....
1) Put the logo on your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on yours
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
Here are my nominations in no particular order....
Lynda http:/http://stitchinmedic.blogspot.com/
Sonda http://stitchinmedic.blogspot.com/
Vonna http://thetwistedstitcher.blogspot.com/
Beth http://stitchermommy.blogspot.com/
Angela http://hookedonstitches.blogspot.com/
Carol http://www.carolsxsblog.blogspot.com/
Cathy B http://www.needleandthread.blogspot.com/
Christina http://theneedlenook.blogspot.com/
Erynne http://be-stitched.blogspot.com/
Ladies, if you already have been nominated or do not want to participate, I totally understand. This is just my way of giving you a pat on the back and saying how much you inspire me. I love sharing my stitching with all of you and hope to continue blogging for a long time to come!!